The Silken Windhound is the result of a long-awaited dream of mine, one that took many years of planning and dedication at first solely
by us at Kristull and now by an international group of breeders and enthusiasts, the International Silken Windhound Society.
Kristull Ranch was located in Austin, Texas, where we also raised and love Friesian and Caspian horses.
Please enjoy the pictures of a few of our Silkens and feel free to inquire to learn more about us.
Here are a few of our beloved Silken Windhounds who have been a part of our breeding program.

Kristull Fallon - 2 year old male

Kristull Blessed - adult female

Kristull Daiquiri - adult female
Elven King - adult male
Blue - adult male
Jake - adult male
Ch. Corona and her cat