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Kristull Fallon x Kristull Yahuda
Born January 25, 2005

Kristull Venturing Abroad, a.k.a. Austin
Self dark chinchilla boy
- moving to Japan -

Kristull ViaKeenuay, a.k.a. Keenu
chinchilla female
- adopted by Barbara Franklin -

Kristull Valhalla - a.k.a. Dusty
sandy brindle boy

- adopted -

Kristull Viceroy
irish marked black male

irish marked black male with black spot on neck

self brown brindle female

self black male

Kristull Vortex
sandy brindle male
- adopted -

Pictures coming soon, we hope!

Kristull Victory
self black male with white socks


Chuck & Francie Stull

Kristull Ranch

8708 Grelle Lane,
Austin, Texas 78744

** 512-280-1892 **


Other 2005 Litters:

Q Litter | S Litter | T Litter | U Litter | V Litter | W Litter | X Litter

2004 Litters

2003 Litters

2001 Litters

2000 Litters



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